
Mayor Scott Sabey

Mayor Sabey was just elected to his second term as the mayor of Woodruff.  His term expires 12/2025.

Raymond Frandsen

Raymond was appointed to office in February of 2000.  He has served on the board since that time.  His current term expires 12/2023.

Braydon Deru

Braydon was appointed to fill the remaining term of a former board member. He was sworn in for the first time in October 2022.  His current term expires 12/2023.

Seiko Webb

Seiko was appointed to fill the remaining term of a former board member.  She was sworn in July 2020.  She was subsequently elected into office and her current term will expire 12/2025.

Monika Schulthess

Monika was elected to office in January 2022.  She is currently serving her first term and it will expire 12/2025. 

Clerk Allie Deru

Allie became the Woodruff Town clerk in January 2023. We are excited to have her in this position.

Christopher Schulthess

Chris is our certified water operator and is responsible for all things water system in the town. 

Paul Webb

Paul is our grounds/maintenance person.  He keeps our building and the town looking nice for us.